Hello my friends!
As a responsible individual, where do you draw the line when it comes to the Corona Virus? I am observing a very fine line. The line between protecting your life and living your life. This is something only you can decide depending on your circumstances.
We have a steady group attending our Yoga, Spin and Kick Boxing classes. It is the same with our Taekwondo classes. However, we are servicing about half the number of people we previously served. Some people have elderly parents or high risk family members whom they see on a regular basis. For them, coming to class isn’t an option. They don’t want to take the risk. Others are willing to take a risk but do everything they can to limit any chance of exposure. They are wearing their masks, sanitizing and keeping their distance. Ask anyone, I am running a tight ship!
“QuaranTeam” is a new term I recently heard. These are the people you have been seeing on the regular. For me this is my immediate family, my niece and her kids, my sisters and a few close friends.
And then we all make mistakes. I have seen some great non-socially-distant team photos. Heck, I just had my picture taken with a new yellow belt after her test. “Oh shoot, we weren’t six feet apart!”
All of this uncertainty can lead to a great deal of stress and anxiety. This has been referred to as Pandemic Grief. It is a thing. We have lost the way we used to live our lives. It is a loss. For those of you who are interested, you have tools you can use to deal with these emotions. Even if you can’t come to class, you can practice yoga and meditation at home. I strongly suggest to practice your breathing exercises or Pranayama. Prana is our life force energy. Use it. Appreciate it. One can take themselves from a hectic state of Fight and Flight to that of Rest and Restore with simple breath work. The chart below shows the number of seconds for each cycle of breath along with the effect of that breath pattern. Take a few minutes and try these patterns. The breath doesn’t need to be forced or rigid; keep it smooth and steady.